Olay-Display Shelf with Digital Signage


Founded in 1837, Procter & Gamble (P&G) is one of the world's largest consumer goods company giants. 

P&G is our conpany's largest and longest-serving customer, nearly 20 years of in-depth cooperation. One Plus Display Products grew up with the growth of P&G.

This Olay display shelf with digital signage is a smart shelf with the following functions: 

  1. Data Statistics: Passenger flow statistics, product attention statistics, page time, face feature records. 
  2. Back-stage Management: Remote monitoring of updated content, statistical data.
  3. Purchase: Enter the product purchase page and complete the order.

With 5 years of digital shelf display product design and manufacturing experience, Rising Display Products has been providing more intelligent products in offline stores, to replicate key benefits of the online experience into physical retail environments. View more related cases