POSM design pushes traditional marketing strategies to new heights
Offline physical store marketing adopts traditional marketing methods-unique design, eye-catching presentations, effective branding and clear messaging, clear association with existing consumer advertising, and targeting emotional triggering factors leading to its creation Limit of force.
Research on the effectiveness of sales shows that in 2016, the proper use of marketing methods can increase sales growth by an average of 9.2%, and 40% of shoppers think of product display. As marketing becomes more complex, retailers find that the most successful marketing campaigns do not prioritize any one method over others, but instead ensure that each factor is fully utilized to maximize the impact of the overall strategy.

Marketing is more than a match between form and function
In each industry and market segment, making your brand stand out from the competition is a powerful motivation to promote marketing. Customers can get any service you provide from many sources, so a successful marketing plan can lift consumers away from quality concerns and focus their behavior on the process of buying a product.
Marketing is not restricted by space and location
Successful creative marketing methods break the boundaries of consumer expectations and interaction with brands. Bold, eye-catching designs are even bigger than life displays, interactive or dynamic displays. Electronic media applications in physical stores can not only showcase products, but also attract users to the unique experience your brand must provide. Explore the edges of shelves, ceiling displays, and counter displays that can be marketed without space and location constraints, and attract consumers in many ways.

Clear brand display is necessary
Creativity is necessary, but clarity is equally important. When consumers finally look at your brand, they can't connect your product with it or they don't understand the message you want to convey. This will be the worst thing. Your brand should be at the center, and complimentary messages or calls to action should be subtly integrated into your brand. The energy drink display based on the vending terminal is not only smart, but also brand-name and appropriate.

POSM displays express your brand
Consistent marketing campaigns require your point-of-sale materials to complement your overall brand image and message. Great POSM display tell stories and draw pictures that are consistent with your brand image across all media, allowing consumers to see your brand anywhere.
Digital POSM display rack controls consumer journey
In modern markets, it is not enough to use product display racks to drive emotions for product construction. Buying and shopping habits have changed, and more decisions need to be made before customers enter the physical retail market, which requires another marketing approach that can take you directly to the consumer journey. Invest in digitization throughout your marketing efforts, from engaging consumers to targeted online advertising for your brand, to combining video and digital POSM displays when consumers follow your ad to enter a store and complete the journey of a product to its destination Attractive digital store installation display.
Companies with successful experience in POSM design and produce
Do you want your product to stand out and have an emotional impact on consumers? You have developed a reliable brand and marketing plan, and you need to find a solution provider with the ability to have a track record and the ability to turn your vision into reality to attract consumers to your brand and maximize the marketing plan Return?
HK One Plus has more than 25 years in the POSM industry, and we also cooperated with lots of companies in more than 50 countries. Our products include temporary POSM, permanent POSM, supermarket & convenience store shelves, counters, paper prints products, back walls, etc.
If you are looking for a partner for custom POSM, please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to meet your needs.